Carlos Zapata Carlos was born in Colombia in 1963. The Visual Arts have always captured his imagination and over many years he has been especially drawn to Folk and Tribal Arts from all over the world. Carlos is a self-taught artist and whilst struggling to survive in...
John Wheable Trained as an Electronics Engineer and spent 27 years designing instruments and automation for the Pharmaceutical Industry. Now spending time dabbling in art . Likes to depict the human form and incorporate an element of humour in the things he creates....
Philip Lowndes My pieces are made predominantly from wood. Partly because it is a beautiful material to work with but also because there is a considerable challenge in making complex mechanisms and pieces out of a natural material. Most of my automata have complicated...
John Popadic & Harry Denholm John Popadic is an electronic designer, engineer and artist interested in embedded systems, robotics and animation. By day, he is a software engineer specialising in physically realistic motion for video game characters. Harry Denholm...
Theo Kaccoufa Theo lives and works in London. He studied fine art at Saint Martins School of Art and the Royal Academy, followed by a Stanley Picker Fellowship, Kingston University. Theo Kaccoufa’s work explores visions of the future and questions the possible...