m69, Author at The Mechanical Art & Design Museum https://themadmuseum.co.uk/author/m69/ The Mechanical Art & Design Museum Wed, 13 Jul 2016 09:42:37 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://themadmuseum.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/cropped-favicon-32x32.png m69, Author at The Mechanical Art & Design Museum https://themadmuseum.co.uk/author/m69/ 32 32 The Winners of MAD’s Easter Egg Hunt https://themadmuseum.co.uk/%ef%bb%bf%ef%bb%bfthe-winners-of-mads-easter-egg-hunt/ Wed, 08 Jun 2016 13:58:50 +0000 http://themadmuseum.co.uk/?p=112   Over the Easter Holiday (Saturday 19th March – Monday 4th April 2016), we ran an Easter Egg Hunt. We asked our visitors to look around the museum and find the 12 hidden eggs. More than 1,500 people entered the prize draw to win MAD goodies and we are pleased to announce the following 5 […]

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Over the Easter Holiday (Saturday 19th March – Monday 4th April 2016), we ran an Easter Egg Hunt. We asked our visitors to look around the museum and find the 12 hidden eggs.

More than 1,500 people entered the prize draw to win MAD goodies and we are pleased to announce the following 5 people won:

1. Ebony McKeown, from Stratford upon Avon
2. Cassandra Dinnis, from Knowle
3. Jack Nichols, from Bicester
4. Fizz Gray, from Bedford.
5. Emma White, from Chelmsford


All 5 winners have now been contacted and sent their MAD prizes.
Keep an eye out for the next change to win!


The post The Winners of MAD’s Easter Egg Hunt appeared first on The Mechanical Art & Design Museum.

Freshers Fair https://themadmuseum.co.uk/title/ Thu, 04 Sep 2014 09:30:55 +0000 http://themadmuseum.co.uk/?p=313 We have a stand at Stratford-Upon-Avon College Freshers Fair today. Why not come down and see us? David Williams’ “Queue 2” rolling ball exhibit will be on display all day.

The post Freshers Fair appeared first on The Mechanical Art & Design Museum.

We have a stand at Stratford-Upon-Avon College Freshers Fair today. Why not come down and see us? David Williams’ “Queue 2” rolling ball exhibit will be on display all day.

The post Freshers Fair appeared first on The Mechanical Art & Design Museum.
