Germany Archives - The Mechanical Art & Design Museum The Mechanical Art & Design Museum Mon, 09 Jan 2023 14:21:29 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Germany Archives - The Mechanical Art & Design Museum 32 32 Alexander Berchert Wed, 13 Mar 2019 12:20:18 +0000 The post Alexander Berchert appeared first on The Mechanical Art & Design Museum.


Alexander Berchert


Alexander Berchert is a German sculptor, furniture designer and maker. He moved to the UK in 2005 and received his Bachelor of Fine arts from the University of East London in may 2012 with first class honours. Berchert is fascinated by physics and the human ingenuity behind mechanics and mass-produced objects. His work is vibrant, interactive and playful. Utilising the basic principles of physics he transforms ordinary household items into something new and unexpected. Through this process he is asking the viewer to consider the potentially endless possibilities of the mass-produced objects that we encounter every day.

Berchert also has 2 years experience in adventure playground engineering, creating large structural builds, including a new outdoor gorilla enclosure for the London Zoo. Always looking for a new challenge, Berchert decided to work in the art department for film and tv and worked for several London Art Directors, including Arthur De Borman, Mikey Hollywood, Kajsa Soderlund, Noam Piper and many more.

Berchert is also a trained picture frame maker and has a strong passion for craft and fine woodwork, which becomes apparent in his most recent works, mixing traditional materials and techniques with playful intent and interactivity.

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Ludvik Cejp Tue, 05 Jul 2016 13:21:33 +0000 The post Ludvik Cejp appeared first on The Mechanical Art & Design Museum.

Ludvik Cejp
Ludvik Cejp

Actually, I don’t have a lot to say, with my work I am moving within the realm of non-verbal art. It is understood more through the eyes than through words.

I don’t incorporate any deep messages or philosophies into my objects – it’s not because I don’t care for philosophy, but rather because I do. Even though my themes and motives seem rational and scientific – mechanics, clocks and other gadgets – I work irrationally, by my gut instinct, rather unscientifically, and while I work I think of everything but technology. But what the spectator thinks while he looks at my art is entirely up to him.

My art lives also through the spectator, and I don’t want to patronize him. And if he doesn’t think at all, that’s okay too, because the objects were made to be looked at.

If you want to read any more words, follow this link and you’ll find more info.

I almost forgot – I was born in 1962.

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Helmut Baur Tue, 05 Jul 2016 13:16:39 +0000 The post Helmut Baur appeared first on The Mechanical Art & Design Museum.

Helmut Baur
Helmut Baur

Helmut Baur was born in 1939 and is from Meerbusch, Germany. After completing a Toolmakers apprenticeship and studying Electrical Engineering, he embarked on his lifelong ambition of becoming a freelance artist.

Helmut uses his passion and skill to create beautiful steel sculptures and pieces of kinetic art. Helmut specialises in pieces of art that primarily draw messages in a flat bowl of sand. His sculptures absorb energy directly from solar radiation; this process triggers the rest of the exhibit to move and the messages to be written.

As well as being stylishly striking and eye catching, Helmut’s art is also conversationally stimulating and has gentle relaxing qualities. A number of Helmut’s sand sculptures can be found in various hotel lobbies, reception areas, conference spaces and waiting rooms around the world. Today, Helmut Baur continues to practice his art, creating new moving exhibits.

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Biegert & Funk Tue, 05 Jul 2016 11:48:09 +0000 The post Biegert & Funk appeared first on The Mechanical Art & Design Museum.


Biegert & Funk

Biegert & Funk

Design-made in Germany, Biegert & Funk design and manufacture things they always wanted to have. That is one of the reasons why their internationally award-winning designs are creative, highly functional and radically unique. It is impossible to categorize their work. Each product is handmade in the beautiful south of Germany. Biegert & Funk creates products, apps, campaigns and much more

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Ernst Heye Tue, 05 Jul 2016 11:38:05 +0000 The post Ernst Heye appeared first on The Mechanical Art & Design Museum.

Ernst Heye
Ernst Heye

I’m a German artist working and living in Dorsten, Germany and have been working in copper wire for almost 30 years. Initially I built static objects but for some years now I’ve been fascinated by kinematics and now mainly build Kugelbahnen (Rolling Ball Sculptures).

It is important for me to ensure the overall aesthetic impression combined with the intricate mechanics to ensure each sculpture has its own specific peculiarities. In some I use a rotating stone, in others rolling balls release in sequence and again, in others switch points change the paths of the balls. I draw in the observer eliciting their curiosity, to try to find out which path the ball will take. Even now I get drawn into the sculpture following a rolling ball down its path. I want my sculptures to excite the observer so they will want to use and touch the sculptures and I enjoy playing with them myself.

In general my sculptures are products of my fantasy and are created without any plans. I have a basic idea and only during construction details are finalised eventually turning the sculpture into a piece of art. Building Kugelbahnen is like an addiction; since building my first one I am constantly thinking about Kugelbahnen and every time I am build a new one at least three new ideas are conceived.

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Orenda Tue, 05 Jul 2016 11:37:35 +0000 The post Orenda appeared first on The Mechanical Art & Design Museum.

Born in 1949 in Bleicherode am Harz (Germany) I went to school in Nordhausen. I then worked as an electrical engineer for many years in power plant construction, before undertaking additional studies in sculpture, collage and graphic design. Since 1990 I have been dealing with kinetic objects, and from 1994 have had regular participation in juried art exhibitions.

I have been a freelance artist since 1997, under the artist Name “ORENDA”. Inspired by the kinetic art works of the swiss sculptor Jean Tinguely I worked primarily with “Artmachines” usually driven by electric motors. Originally technique scrap was my base material and in 2009 I started my cycle of works “crazy toys”. Since I mainly use metal construction kits and defective children’s toys.

In addition to the creative aspect the storage and the reuse is important to me. Crazy toys are mainly small kinetic sculptures, where the technology is implemented with moving mechanical metal kits, and where components of children’s toys and figures of all kinds are assembled. Crazy-toys are so both kinetic “toy art”, as well as “art toys”

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Willi Reiche Tue, 05 Jul 2016 11:04:55 +0000 The post Willi Reiche appeared first on The Mechanical Art & Design Museum.

Willi Reiche

Willi Reiche (born in Germany in 1954) studied History of Art in Bonn. He embarked on his career in 1982 by exhibiting his works of art at numerous individual and collective expositions. In 1990 he gave up his entrepreneurial activity as a manager in a graphic workshop (serigraphic) in favour of art. He has since then been working as a freelance artist. Since 1998 the major topic of his creative output has been the construction of kinetic objects fitted with different motors for indoor as well as outdoor exhibits.

Reiche manages to capture the viewer’s eye, but still leaving enough room for personal experiences and interpretations.” Several of Reiche’s kinetic works of art were exhibited at NordArt (Northern-Europe´s largest annual art exhibition) during the summer months of 2007, 2008 and 2009. Even in film productions and at technology fairs Reiche’s kinetic objects have already been presented as eye-catchers.

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