Make the most of your class trip to Stratford upon Avon by visiting 2 top visitor attractions.
The MAD (Mechanical Art & Design) Musuem
The only mechanical art venue in the whole country. Interact with over 60 motorised exhibits, build marble runs and examine inspiring creativity and clever engineering.

Shakespeare's Schoolroom & Guildhall
Experience the rooms in which the world-famous playwright was educated and inspired. The recently restored Guildhall displays incredible, extremely rare medieval wall paintings.

Stratford Butterfly Farm
A leafy tropical environment is simulated inside large greenhouses. There are numerous free soaring butterflies, beautiful flying birds, interesting fish, fascinating insects and loads more.

Visit The MAD Museum + Shakespeare’s Schoolroom & Guildhall
Learner aged 5-16yrs – £8.80
Learner aged 16yrs+ – £10.80
1 teacher per 10 leaners – Free
Extra teachers – £12.00
Visit The MAD Museum + Stratford Butterfly Farm
Learner aged 5-16+yrs – £9.80
1 teacher per 10 leaners – Free
Extra teachers – £10.70
(We don’t currently offer 1 ticket price which involves all 3 venues.)
Family Joint Discounts
If you are visiting with your family or friends, please use the following discounts. These can be purchased on the day from The MAD Museum, Shakespeare’s Schoolroom & Guildhall or Stratford Butterfly Farm.
Family Super Saver
Visit all 3 attractions. Click here.
Day Saver Ticket
The MAD Museum + Shakespeare’s Schoolroom & Guildhall. Click here.

Educational Programme 2019/20
Find out all the details about MAD’s educational packages here.
Please note: These details and prices are correct at the time the blog was posted and may be different in the future.