From Monday 1st April 2019 It is that time of the year again when we switch to our extended opening times. From Monday 1st April until Monday 30th September 2019, The MAD Museum will be open – Monday to Friday – 10:00am until 5:00pm Saturday, Sunday, Bank...
FRESH MAD SHOP ITEMS AVAILABLE FROM THE MUSEUM OR ONLINE If you’ve been to The MAD Museum, you’ll know they have a gift shop full of MAD-esque gismos, gadgets and toys. A lot of the items in the shop encourage the Art and Design and the STEM subjects (Science,...
Photos are being taken at MAD on Friday 28th December, from 1pm until 3pm.On Friday 28th December from 1pm until 3pm we will have a photographer in The MAD Museum taking photographs of exhibits, our visitors and the museum (inside and outside).We cannot guarantee you...
Go to MAD Factory Following the success of their Gift Shop, the MAD Museum has launched an online shop and added over 30 of their bestselling items to buy. There is a fantastic range of gifts ranging from the latest STEM kits to sensory, musical, time-telling and...
Win a Family Pass and Marble Machine! The MAD Museum is giving away 4 family passes worth £22 each plus the 4 lucky winners each receive a Marble Machine #2, worth £39.99.See this week’s Stratford Herald and Midweek for more information about this competition. Answer...